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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Coming Home


My girls will be home tonight! :D While my husband and I have had a BLAST, we are excited for our 2 balls of chaos to come home. All will be normal again. This will be a yearly thing. I am glad for it. Not just because Mike and I get 3 weeks of alone time, and do whatever we want time. I am glad for it, because it's precious time my girls will have with their Grandma and Papa. I think it's great they have that to look forward to. So many memories waiting to happen in the arms of their grandparents. :)

OK. I am not able to stay long, but I did work on something for Angelina's room last night, and I wanted to share. It's always nice for me to be able to sit down and sew something DIFFERENT! ;) Gives me a little break from the same ole thing. I made some curtains for her room as a surprise! She will love them...


It was really hard to get good pictures of them. Sad to say I failed! LOL! I will have to try again when the sun moves to the other side of the house.


I ordered some prints for my girl's bathroom and bedrooms... the bathroom ones I showed already... here is the one I got for Angelina. It suits her well. :)


And, this is what it says...


OK! Gotta go! They will be home by 7:30ish!




Denissa said...

How fun! Love the curtains :) I LOVE the picture, that is so neat!

Celeste said...

Love the curtains!