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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Vote For A Name

Hello Friends.  Giveaway is coming soon as well as the winner to The Pleated Poppy giveaway, but I wanted to pop in really quick... I am thinking about changing my blog name.  This is where you come in!  I have put a poll up on my sidebar ... over there -------->  
Vote for your favorite name for my blog, would ya?  I would love to see what your opinions are!  I will explain the "Moona" thing later.  :)

Thanks!  Off to bed.


Laura Craig said...

With all of these giveaways going on as of late, I think *Shey* [B] is a pretty popular name now and what most people know you by!!! LOL!!!! I think I would go with that!!! Good luck on the naming!!!! :)

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

I voted! *Shey*[B] made the most sense to me, but if that's not your can do whatever you want! ;)

Anonymous said...

Chasing Moona. It has great meaning! And is very cute and it flows....

Melissa said...

I voted for Chasing Moona. I have 3 dogs, so I'm pretty sure that's what you do all day!!

LauraC said...

I voted for Shey[B]! That is what people know you as. You could always use Chasing Moona as your subtitle.

Celeste said...

Honestly - I like them BOTH (I really do!)...but, I did finally make a decision & voted (:

Sheree said...

i voted i really like Chasing Moona - :D

Kathy Campbell said...

I really like the Chasing Moona....but I think having *Shey* [B] makes the most sense in a marketing standpoint. :)

Amy C said...

voted Chasing Moona because it has a nice ring to it.

Teresa aka Tess said...

Chasing Moona is cute but *Shey*[B] is more your label. It's what I recognize you by.