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Monday, December 8, 2008


Seems like that's the sound that's heard most often in our house lately... the hum of the sewing machine. For hours on end - with small breaks in between sewing strap slip covers to check blogs or stare off into space. Basically moments to gather my thoughts, and take a breather. :) Otherwise, when sewing, my thoughts are as follows: "how many more do I have to sew?" or "wow, a lot of people like this one." or "hmmmm... how long has it been since I have vacuumed?" Or simply, "camera strap -camera strap - camera strap --- sew sew sew." Yes, that would be me cheering myself on. :)
Seriously, though. God has blessed me so much these past several weeks! I have sold 45 camera strap slip covers in December alone! 63 in November! Wow. I am so thankful. Thank you goes out to all of my customers!!!!
Mike has been amazing. Assuming so many household duties around the house. Dishes, laundry [like 20 loads], baths, fixing things, cooking, taking care of the girls, etc. All so I can get all of these orders out. On top of all that, tonight he cut a ton of fabric for me as well. Our Christmas cards? Without him... they would never get done. He volunteered to do it for me! What a guy! I have fallen in love with him more and more. ;)
OK, enough with the sappy stuff. ha ha.

So, do me a favor. Leave me a comment and say hi! It's always so nice to get a distraction now and then. ;)

Off I go to edit pictures and listen to the hum of my sewing machine.




1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

your husband ROCKS! i have one like that too! aren't they the best!

merry sewing to you, shea!