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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ruffle Up Your Neck Scarf TUTORIAL!! And Maybe A Giveaway Too.

Giveaway is now closed.
Winner TBA Thursday, 1/28
Thank you to all that entered!! 

So many of you asked me if I could tell you how I made the scarves for my mom for Christmas - seen here.

Well, you'll be happy to know, that today, I will tell and show you!  Tutorial time!  :)

I hope this tutorial is helpful to you, and if you make some of these, please share!!!  Because these are so easy to make, you can make 1 start to finish in 10 minutes!  Not kidding.  Ok.  Here we go...

Here are the supplies you will need:

3 yards of Knit Fabric [T-Shirt Fabric]
1 spool of elastic thread
Rotary tool [Gingher Rocks!]
Matching Thread

Now.  Lay your fabric out length wise.  And cut it 10 inches wide.

Good!  Now fold your 10 inch by 3 yard strip in half.  For this part, make sure you are NOT cutting on the fold.  If you're not sure what cutting on the fold means, click here.  Anyway.  Now.  Measure 5 inches [this will be the middle].  Cut up the fabric 22 inches . . .

Now.  Grab your elastic thread, and a bobbin.

Start winding by slipping the end of the elastic thread into the bobbin hole.

Now hand wind the bobbin.  Yes.  You have to do this by hand.  BE careful!  Do not wind it too tight, or it will lose it's stretch!  Do it loosely, but not too lose.  ha!!  If you have questions, as always, contact me!

When you first start winding the elastic thread around the bobbin, make sure you hold the tail that you put through the bobbin hole.  Otherwise it will slip through the hole, and cause you to be frustrated.  And we don't want that.  ;)

Now that that is done, trim that tail you were holding onto while winding...

If you don't, it will get stuck in your bobbin casing, and we definitely do not want that to happen!!

OK!  Now we are ready to load this elastic wound bobbin into the bobbin casing of your sewing machine... load it as you would any other thread.

As for tension, I had mine set on 7.  But all sewing machines are different.  I like my tension to be tight.

And, now you're ready to make your scarf!  Choose a side to start on... it does not matter.  Left, right, right, left.  Pick pick pick.  And don't worry if the ends of the fabric curl in.  It's normal...

Let's begin!  Sew down the middle of your right or left side piece...

Keep going to the other end... then cut!  :)

This is what the elastic thread on the back SHOULD look like!

And this is what your scarf SHOULD look like so far...

Don't worry.  I know it looks weird now, but that will change.  Right now!  Sew the other side of your scarf so that it ruffles up too!

You are ALMOST done!  Now go to your ironing board..

lay your scarf on the ironing board with elastic thread facing towards the sealing.  Put your iron on the steam setting.  Hold the iron about 2 inches above your scarf and steam it!  The whole thing!  This will tighten up your elastic thread.

Guess what?!!  You're DONE!

Put it on and show it off!!

Oh look!  That was ME!  No wayyyyy!

I hope this tutorial was easy to follow!!  As always, share what you make with me!  I love seeing your creations.  You're all so inspiring!!

Now!  I have this scarf that I made for the tutorial, and I already have some of these scarves... so... how about a GIVEAWAY?!

Whatcha think?

2 ways to enter!  That is all just TWO!  ;)

1.  Leave a Comment
2.  Tweet about this giveaway.  Make sure to include "@shealynn" in you tweet so I can see them.

Have a great night!!

EDITED TO ADD:  If you are not a sewer, but love this scarf and want one of your very own, visit, Brassy Apple [she has been making these for a long while now] and/or Sevi Designs.


the single mama said...

Love it! Would love to wear it :)

Erin said...

So creative! I would wear it all the time.

Mommafo said...

Very cool of you to do a tute & link to other sellers. :) I'd like to win it so I don't have to go buy fabric! lol... How many scarves do you get from your 3 yards? 4ish?

Anonymous said...

Love it!!! The possibilities are endless!

samantha said...

I would seriously wear this all the time. I've always wanted to learn how to sew but I don't even have a sewing machine :-(

samanthajocampen at gmail

Kerbi said...

I love the scarf! I would wear it all the time! I wish I was as crafty as you are!

Anonymous said...

Man I wish I could sew! LOVE IT!

Nancy said...

Ohh I want one, I don't know how to sew :(

SisterlyLove said...

The color is absolutely PERFECT! What a great and fun tutorial! :)


Abby Mazanec said...


abbymazanec at gmail dot com

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

another beautiful reason i wish i had a sewing machine!

Heather said...

I've been wanting a scarf like this for the style, the texture, the everything! No sewing skills yes I would love to win!


lime said...

Love the scarf and the color! You've inspired me--thanks!

Anonymous said...

soooo awesome!!!!!!!!!

Robin said...

Thanks for the tutorial- I've been wanting to try and make one of these.

Marie said...

Love it! I have some from Brassy Apple and have been wanting to make some for some friends. Great pics on this tutorial!

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

Great job! Super cute scarf :)

Amanda said...

Very cute! I may just have to get the courage up to try elastic thread... maybe... ;)

Laura Marchant said...

Very nice! I love it.

EricaThomas said...

Thanks for sharing!

Jessica said...

Thanks for the tutorial!! I will definitely be making some!!

Polka Dot Moon said...

Ruffles are Fabulous and so is this scarf!!!

LOVE it!

sb said...

I've been wanting to make a ruffly scarf but haven't done it. It. Would be great to win your lovely green one! And thanks for the tutorial. It's detailed and has lots of pictures, which means it's WONDERFUL!

ConnieB said...

pick meee! So cute!

Perfectly Jenn said...

love the color. love the style. would love to win!!

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

LOVE the green! Thanks for the tutorial, very kind of you!

Rebecca said...

Love it - thanks for the chance!

carmel said...

very cute
and green is my favorite!

craftytammie said...

so cool! I'd love to win it!

Andrea said...

love the scarf - super cute! I'd love to win :)

Jennay said...

Love love love the scarf! Great color fave! Will be trying this out myself soon!

Christy @ MCH PHOTOGRAPHY said...

This is so cute, I might get up the nerve to try it sometime. Thanks for the tutorial

Anonymous said...

I bought a fab purple scarf much like this at Target this past fall. Sadly, I lost it the second time I wore it, and they no longer carry it. :( Total bummer! However, I would loooove to win this scarf...adore green too!

shana said...

Really, really cute! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm trying to learn to sew but lack any sense of confidence and basically am still skill-less at this point. Try, try again, right?

two red heads and two brunettes said...

It's cold here, I think I need that cute scarf!

Kory & Erin said...

Love it!!! So cute and I will have to try out the tutorial myself!

Melissa said...

So cute! One of my resolutions this year is to learn to sew, this might have to be one of my first projects!

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

Awww, that is super cute! Makes me wish I had a sewing machine! :(
Thanks for the chance to win.

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

I don't have a twitter, but I blogged about it!!

SoBella Creations said...

Love it! It looks like the perfect weight for the coolness of Florida Winters.

SoBella Creations said...

I gave a tweet on twitter.

Mrs Anne said...

I'm not gonna lie. I screamed outloud when I saw the finished product! (try explaining that in your office) :)

hope that you have a great day! Love the tutorial (and patience) :)

make today great!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me!!!!

Anonymous said...

beautiful scarf - great tutorial! Count me in. =)

Sheree said...

you mean i can't buy one from YOU? i love love love that scarf!

Sheree said...

did some one say giveaway?

susan m said...

I love what you have done here!! Thanks for the great tutorial and the giveaway!!

Celeste said...

Love it!! I was wondering how you made those... ;)

Celeste said...

tweeted it :)

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Okay, so I saw a scarf like this at Walmart a while back and loved it--but not for $10. Thanks, Shealynn for this great how-to! ;)

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

And I tweeted, too! ;) @thesweetpetunia

Alexis said...

I would looovvvee this scarf!!! I'm going to have to try too make it at some point.

CalleLillyCafe said...

Have to go to store Tues to buy elastic thread! I'm making one (or a few!) of these babies! Thx for sharing!

CalleLillyCafe said...



Sarah said...

I love your giveaways!

Mrs. Cline said...

So Cute! I wish I knew how to sew. Or even had a sewing machine. :) If I come to your house, will you teach me??

Mrs. Cline said...

So Cute! I wish I knew how to sew. Or even had a sewing machine. :) If I come to your house, will you teach me??

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Thanks for the great tutorial Shealynn - very cute!

Kristi said...

Great tutorial!! I think I can make one, but just in case I mess it up, I will leave a comment.
Thanks for the info.

cindy said...

Thanks for this tutorial. I am always looking for new ways to make scarfs. Cute, cute, cute. <3

ragamuffinbeauties said...

Adorable, perfect to still look fashionable, while not getting overheated!

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss said...

So cute - I wish I could actually make one! Love the color!

Sena said...

Fab tutorial and love the scarf!!! Stunning!

KD said...

I sure hope I win your giveaway because there is no way I would have success on this project. LOL

Very Shannon said...

Love this Shaelynn, fabulous of course! I added it to our link luv roundup today! come by for a peek!