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Friday, January 16, 2009

night owl

My good friend came home yesterday from being gone on vacation for 2 weeks! I was so thrilled when I picked her up at the airport!! Needless to say, she came over late last night [my husband is out of town - home tonight! woot!!] and we hung out and talked and talked - and talked. :) Though I feel like I am sleep walking this morning, it was worth it. :) I mean, we didn't stay up *that* late. 1:30am maybe... I never seem to go to sleep at a "normal" time anyway. Rarely earlier than midnight, and more times than not, it's about 1:30 or 2am before my head meets the pillow. I just have so much to do! Such is the life of a night owl.

Not feeling like I have anything interesting to say right now... maybe it's because my eyes are burning, and begging me to close them rather than stare at this bright screen and type. "Too bad eyes. Deal!" If I fell asleep while my 2 year old was awake - running loose in the house... ha! I can't and don't want to imagine the things she would do... the things she would get into. Crayon on the walls, sharpie on the wood floor, my fabric strewn all over the place... the dog's water dish filled with shoes... ummm... that sounds like a nightmare I don't want to have! Hopefully this Rockstar energy drink will kick in Very soon. :o)

I might be back later with some interesting to say... or at least some pictures.

There's another camera strap slip cover giveaway going on here.

Also, this one over here is ending tomorrow.

And, if you want to get to my etsy shop, then, that's here.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway I am hosting for Valued Embellishments! Scroll down a bit, or click here.



P.S. I feel so loved!! Thank you all for adding me as your friend! ;)

1 comment:

Laura Marchant said...

When my Hubs is out of town I really become a night owl.