And the winner of the first Vampire Diaries book is....
#15 - SHEREE!!!
Yay! Congratulations!
Email me to claim your prize! shealynn
Now everyone go HERE and enter the Ornament Swap. I am super excited for this!! :D Thank you to those that have already signed up! You're fabulous!
Book Clubbers... we have a schedule change for our meetings which are normally on Thursdays. From now on, we are going to hold the meeting chats on Wednesdays at 8pm Arizona time. That would be 7pm Pacific time, 9pm Mid-west time, and 10pm East coast time. I really hope this works out for most of you! We would love to see everyone there!!! You do not have to have Twitter anymore to join the chats! I just need you to send me your email address every Wed. so I can email you the chat room invite. :) This I think will work out a lot better for everyone. Twitter has been acting up a lot lately. Please comment on this post and let me know if you will be able to make the new night and time. See you then!!

wa HOOO!! i won ::doin' the happy dance::
thanks, shealynn! i'll email ya soon.
um wednesdays work for me! see ya this wednesday at 6pm (west coast time).
ooops, just kidding 7pm! HA!
Congrats Sheree!
7pm pst, Wed works for me! see you then!
Congrats Sheree!
Got it! I am sorry I missed yesterday. Computer issues so I gave up.
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